Master Thesis
An Educational Programming Environment for Teaching the Principles of Machine Learning using LEGO MINDSTORMS
An Educational Programming Environment for Teaching the Principles of Machine Learning using LEGO MINDSTORMS
Conversational Interfaces – Design and Development of a Chatbot
I have been part of the HTWK Smart Driving Team since 2017.
In January 2019 I held a workshop focused on the basics of Arduino programming.
In 2018 and 2019, I helped out at a hackathon for kids and teenagers
Nutzung von Robotern im Informatikunterricht – ein Lösungsvorschlag
Since April 2019, I've been mentoring a female high school student
For the genetic algorithms class that I attended in my first master semester in 2017 I developed a genetic algorithm to tackle the well known art gallery problem
To develop a lane following algorithm from LIDAR data only, we re-implemented DoCNN to detect the lanes.
Mandatory project management class as part of my masters degree
Ulysses is a writing environment for Mac, iPad and iPhone. I worked here as a developer and in customer support.
IoT Project: Developed a backup power supply to properly shut down a RaspberryPi + a dashboard for regulating and monitoring the temperature
In 2016, I was an intern at Lufthansa.
WordPress website for the conference for german didactics for higher education
This proof performed in NASA PVS was done for the class programming verification.
NASA International Space Apps Challenge